Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The past two weeks or so I have struggled with an addiction that is slowly destroying my life!  These little guys have tasted soooo good lately.  I'm pretty sure all of the workers at Arctic Circle know my face now.  I get sick if I eat a whole milk shake so one time I asked if they could make a milk shake in a little sundae cup and they did.  Since then I'm the girl who likes a almond fudge shake is a small sundae cup.  I'm embarrassed to say that I'm going through this milk shake addiction phase but I just can't stop.  I think this is why I'm having an extremely hard time getting motivated to work out and sign up for another race.  I feel even worse when Alex declines my invitation because then I don't have anybody to go down with me!  This is going to be catch up to FAST if I don't stop sometime in the near future!


  1. You seriously cut off all your beautiful hair?! Post a picture I have to see!! What a dare-devil...although with a gorgeous face like yours you can have any hair style and look amazing!! What happened with the old car?

  2. Hey, misery loves company! I'll go with you! We can beat this together... starting by getting another one with me!
